The Prevention, Retention, and Contingency (PRC) program helps qualifying Allen County families overcome employment-related barriers to achieve or maintain self-sufficiency. Ultimately, the program helps to ensure participants are able to find and retain full-time employment through a variety of supportive services including referral to child care assistance and transportation assistance!
The Employment Incentive Program (EIP) assists qualifying Allen County residents achieve self-sufficiency by providing tiered financial incentives to those experiencing a reduction in their public assistance benefits. For every month, up to 18 consecutive months, the participant successfully reaches their work performance benchmarks by maintaining full-time employment, a predetermined financial incentive will be added to their portfolio. After 18 months, they will receive a $3,000 incentive payout! Along with the tiered financial incentives, participants are also able to receive supportive services including transportation assistance, car repairs, education and training expenses, rent , child care, utilities, and more!
We have partnered with all 14 of Allen County's local high schools to promote career exploration, employment, training resources, and services available to local youth. Every week, our job coaches go into their designated schools and work with students and faculty to promote the importance of job readiness.
A unique partnership with UNOH and Rhodes allows us to share employment and training resources with students and alumni. The collaboration is designed to connect college students with internships, work experiences, or their future careers.