Child Care
Child Care Provider Opportunities
Child Care Providers are needed throughout Allen County. With OhioMeansJobs Allen County’s streamlined process and one-on-one assistance, you can make a positive impact on your community while working flexible hours from the comfort of your home by becoming a licensed Child Care Provider.
Benefits of Child Care
Work from home
Flexible hours - any shift!
Stay home with your children
Potential hourly income: $30+/hour
Types of Child Care
Type A Child Care
Permanent residence of the administrator in which child care or publicly funded child care is provided for 7 to 12 children at one time.
Type B Child Care
Most Common - permanent residence of the provider in which child care is provided for 1 to 6 children at one time and in which no more than three children are under two years of age.
Child Care Center
Any facility in which child care is provided for 13 or more children at one time that is not the permanent residence of the licensee or administrator.
A graphic depicting the cost per child
About the Application & Process
• Get one-on-one support throughout the process
• Application Fees:
$50 for Child Care Centers
$25 for In-Home Providers
• Must pass a background check and home inspection
For more information, call 419-999-0291 or click here to send an email
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